
crisp cool fresh air

my walk to work this morning was absolutely beautiful.
i cannot belive i live here.
surrounded by gorgeous nature everywhere i look!

The air was a perfect temperature this morning. Just enough wind to be refreshed.  All my senses were awakened. My skin was all tingly from coming out of a hot shower into the air.  My eyes were opened wide viewing all the nature with the morning mountain sun on everything. My nose smelling how fresh everything is. Listening to the ground squirrels chirp and the birds tweet.

I saw 2 birds chasing after eachother, playing or flirting either way it was fun to watch. 

I was hoping to see a Lynx this morning, as there was one in the area last night, no sign. there are a couple guys up here who have alot of video footage of it from yesterday.

This one tree on my walk caught my eye.  It was beauitful. Just enough light shining on it to make it glow. And it had moss hanging from its branches so perfectly.

I cannot belive I live here. Surrounded by nature.

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