
i live here?

It has been GOREGEOUS out here lately!
The sun is shining all day from early morning to early evening.
Once the sun sets, the sky is FULL of stars.
It almost looks like it is the summer sky and winter sky mixed
I need to read some more on astronomy since im living under it.
every day, walking to and from work i am overwhemled with my senses
the smell of the crisp cool fresh air
the taste of the cool air on my mouth
the sounds of various animals, several bird species, chipmunks, ground squirrels
the cool wind hitting my body, making it better than caffine to wake up with
the sight of absolutely breath taking, trees, mountains, the sun shining thru all the peaks of the trees, all the animals scurrying and playing and working hard.

this morning i saw the coolest wild rabbit. the rabbits here, or hares, not too sure what they are but are so cool ,and huge. Right now they are chaning from their winter colors to their spring/summer colors, so they are brown or grey with bits of white on their ears and paws.

I am looking forward to summer soo much! Being by the lake, the warm air, more animals. I have yet to see a bear, there have been a couple teen bears running around staff housing but i havent spotted one yet, and when i do i hope its from a distance.

We are getting roomates. I am kind of exxcited but its been nice just living with Tamara and I and making our home our own. I am also excited because we are not being moved out of our house! So now i get to start settling in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOw Tahnee! sounds like you are having quite the xperience. Love they way you put it all in words. Your writing is beautiful.
Love you sooo much and miss you around here.
